The purpose of the raffle is to reward the customers of MANZANOS for the purchase of the following wines, which must carry the collar of the draw
First.- The company and the ambit of the raffle
Manzanos Wines S.L, hereinafter MANZANOS, is the organizing company of the promotion “MANZANOS WINES MACAN´S RAFFLE”, hereinafter the PROMOTION, headquartered in Ctra NA 134 KM 49 CP 31560 Azagra, Navarra, Spain. It is agreed that MANZANOS wants to perform the PROMOTION, with the following objective: to reward all the customers that are going to purchase the bottles of wine that are including in the PROMOTION.
Second.- Participation Dates.
The PROMOTION is going to be kept for an undefined time, without an end date of termination. The promotion will start on 01/04/2019.
Third.- Participation
Since the start date, all MANZANOS customer´s will be able to take part in the PROMOTION, as long as they achieve all the requirements expressed in the Clause sixth.
It will be considered as costumer, anyone that, in the lapse of the promotion, purchases one of the products included in this PROMOTION.
MANZANOS workers will not be allowed to participate in the PROMOTION, neither their relatives limited to parents and sons.
Forth.- Object
The Object of the Promotion is not other than rewarding our customers for buying the followings references of our wines:
- Siglo Saco CVC
- Las Campanas Chardonnay
- Las Campanas Rosé
- Las Campanas Rosado
- Las Campanas Crianza
- Más de Manzanos Crianza
- Berceo Nueva Generación Crianza
- Siglo Crianza Edición Limitada
- Las Campanas Edición Limitada Rosado
- Berceo Viñas Viejas Crianza
Fifth.- Rewards
As long as the promotion is operative, there will be a raffle each time that 2.000.000 (TWO MILLION) bottles of the wines included in the promotion are sold. The raffle will take place between. All the customers who have bought a promotion bottle and have signed in the PROMOTION will participate in the raffle.
The awarded will be able to choose between 2 (TWO) of the following prizes, just being able to select one of the two:
- PORSCHE MACAN worth 70.000€ (SEVENTY THOUSAND EUROS) (See Attachment 1). This prize is subject to Personal Income Taxes.
- In case the winners lived abroad, they would receive 50.000 euros instead of the Porsche Macan.
Sixth.- Inscription and participation
The following raffle will participate those clients that, during the time lapse of the PROMOTION, fulfil the followings requirements:
- Are 18 years old or older.
- Have bought at least one of the promotional bottles (clause forth) during the lapse time of the promotion. For each bottle bought, the customer will get one participation for the promotional raffle.
- Fulfil all the information required in the following website: The information that is going to be asked are:
- The code in the sticker of the bottle from the appellation.
- The code that appears in the cork. (see image)
- Information for your properly identification, so we can contact you in the event that you have been awarded (name, surname, phone number, email)
Seventh.- Selection process and announce winners
Once the 2,000,000,000 bottle has been sold, as long as MANZANOS is aware of the sale, MANZANOS will extract a list of all the participants that have fulfilled the requirements indicated in the sixth Stipulation (Registration and participation in the Draw) , to make a list that will be delivered to a Notary.
Once the list is submitted to the notary, the notary will take at random the name of 1 winner and 1 reserve. The winner will be notified personally.
Within a period of 1 week, since the winner knows he has been awarded, the name of the winner will be published on the website ( and on the company’s social networks.
The social media accounts are going to be used are:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Twitter: @bodegasmanzanos
If it is not possible to contact the winner within a period of 1 week from the first contact attempt, it will be abandoned and the substitute will be selected as the new winner, with the previous winner losing his right to claim the prize.
The winner must choose between the Porsche Macan prize, valued at € 70,000 or € 50,000. “
In case the winner of the draw had chosen the prize, but it had not been picked up, the election of the first winner will not be binding for the alternate winner.
Eight.- Limitations
MANZANOS will reserve the right of expelling those participants which may incur in the following circumstances:
- They have not accepted of the Terms and Conditions of the PROMOTION, as well as the privacy policy.
- There are reasonable traces of fraudulent behaviour. It will be understood, in an enunciative way, and not limitative way, that the fraud exist when false orders have been made, and all those behaviours that can be abusive and/or malicious, as the false information or false data.
The verification of any of these circumstances during the PROMOTION will imply the automatic expel from the PROMOTION. The verification of any of these circumstances will imply loosing the prize (in the event that that person has won the raffle). MANZANOS will be exempted from all responsibility if the data or information given by the customers were wrong.
Equally, MANZANOS will be exempted from the possible losses, deteriorations, delays, robberies, or any other circumstances that cannot be imputable to MANZANOS, in relation with the delivery of the prize and for those damages originated enjoying the prize.
MANZANOS will reserve the rights to claim for the properly defence of his interests, against those who make any act susceptible to be consider as fraudulent.
Also, MANZANOS will reserve the right of modification of any clause of this legal terms. Every modification would be for the good end of the PROMOTION, and it may concur a justification of the modification or/and force majeure circumstances.
Also, MANZANOS will reserve the right of postpone or increase the raffle period, and the faculty of interpretation of these legal terms too.
Also, MANZANOS will reserve, the right of withdrawing the price to those winners that, in the lapse time of the PROMOTION, attack (in any way) the image of the Company, or any other participants.
Ninth.- Image Rights.
All participants authorize MANZANOS to reproduce and use their names, surnames, as well as any other data and personal image in any publi-promotional activity related with the raffle in which it has been awarded with the prize. Without existing any limitation related with the way of communication by MANZANOS or the lapse of time to be used, or the objectives seeked.
Tenth.- Acceptation of the legal bases
Participating in the PROMOTION means the total acceptation of all these terms, which have been handed to a notary.
Eleventh.- Data Protection
MANZANOS reports to all participants that all the personal data are included in an automatized data file, the titular of this file is MANZANOS. All the participants in the raffle give their consent to MANZANOS, to process all the data, which will be restricted to the matters of the present Raffle.
MANZANOS agrees to fulfil all their obligations related with keeping the secrets of the data that has been given, and agrees to keep and protect them, using for that scope all the actions needed to protect them, avoid any alteration, loss, treatment or not authorised access.
All participants agree that all the data can be shared with other companies of the group for the management of the promotion. MANZANOS agrees that the participants have the following rights: access, modification, cancelation and opposition, that can be used through a writing communication, previous personal identification to: MANZANOS WINES S.L. Ctra NA 134 Km 49 Azagra 31560 Navarra, Spain.
Twelfth.- Tax
In the event that the prizes are subject to the Personal Income Tax, Society Tax or Foreigner Income Tax, MANZANOS will make all the retentions or incomes that are needed.
Therefore and, as a condition to delivering the prize, the winner must sign an acceptation paper, where he/she accepts the prize, allowing MANZANOS to make in his name the retention or delivery of the taxes that we are forced by the law.
So, the winner must supply to MANZANOS, in the lapse of time of 2 days since the requirement is done all the personal and fiscal data that is required, in order that MANZANOS would be able to do the retention or delivery. In other case, MANZANOS will assume that the winner is renouncing to the prize.
Thirteenth.- Interpretation
In case of controversy between the English and the Spanish version, the Spanish version shall predominate.
Fourteenth.- Jurisdiction
For the clarification, interpretation or in the event of a breach of contract, the parties submit to the Judges from Pamplona´s City.